A free online strategy game, King-war 11 is a multiplayer war game that revolves around a continent inhabited by five different tribes that include the Undead, Monster, Beast, Elven and Humans. The continent is enraged with bloodshed and fighting, and in order to protect your kingdom, you need to build structures, upgrade technologies and recruit armies.
You can also gain territories by adventuring, hunting and attacking towns, villages and castles. However, there are thousands of other players you have to coexist with, each with their own strategies and agendas. Therefore, you need to be careful who you choose to go to war with.
With intense fighting all over the continent, it is essential that you implement effective strategies and learn special skills so that you can grow stronger and keep your kingdom protected.
An impressive feature of the game worth mentioning is that you have the ability to implement the strategies you want. Whether its betrayal, peace, war or alignment, the world changes with the strategies you choose to implement.
The game is available for both client and web, with computer configurations that are low. Graphics and soundtracks are of high quality and the game is compatible with all browsers including Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
On the whole, a highly enjoyable strategy war game.
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